Install R, Rstudio, Rtools
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现代数据科学发展现状: 统计, 传统数据分析, 编程, 人工智能, 大数据
First class
Job Market
Current State of Data Science, Programming, AI and Big Data
What will we learn in this course?
Learning curve; learning programming vs language vs math vs other subjects
大学数据分析课程简介: IC, UCL, LSE, Toronto
(R) Toronto University csc121
(R) UCL Management
(R) LSE Applied Statistics – Year 2
(Python) IC
Former student works
Sample Data Analysis Project Structure
Alevel statistics prerequisite (Not essential)
Covariance, Correlation, R-squared ;regression
Common functions
R References
Shortcuts, Tips
Install R, Rstudio, Rtools
R System: R language, Rstudio, Packages, R Script, RMarkdown
RStudio Layout, R packages (install, load)
Basic Operations in R
Import / Load Data into R, Run R Script
Function, Control Structure
Inspect, Statistically Summarise data
Graphical Summaries
List, Dictionary
Control Flow: Logical Variables
apply, lapply
R Markdown
Compute Probabilities
Using R to demonstrate the Central Limited Theory
Estimation: MLE, Confidence Interval
Hypothesis Tests
Financial Modelling with R
Financial Risk Management with R