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Basic Vocabulary 1 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 1 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 2 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 2 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 3 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 3 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 4 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 4 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 5 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 5 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 6 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 6 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 7 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 7 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 8 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 8 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 9 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 9 CHN
Basic Vocabulary 10 ENG
Basic Vocabulary 10 CHN
People and relationships 人和关系?
People in relationship, Describing people
People in relationship 人之间的关系
Describing people 描述人
Health 健康?
Health problems 健康问题; Verbs associated with treatment 关于治病常见的动词
Health problems 健康问题
Verbs associated with treatment 与治疗相关的动词
Education 教育?
Academic subjects 学术科目/学科; Academic activities 学术活动; Nouns associated with research 学术相关名词
Academic subjects 学术科目/学科
Academic activities 学术活动
Nouns associated with research 学术相关名词
Travel and Adventure 旅行和探险
Verbs associated with travel and adventure 关于旅行和探险的动词
Nouns associated with travel and adventure 关于旅行和探险的名词
Adjectives to describe experiences 描述经验/经历的形容词
Gadgets 小工具
Nouns to describe dimensions 形容维度/尺寸的名词
Actions 动作
Art of persuasion 说服的艺术
Reporting verbs 报告动词
Nouns associated with persuasion 说服的名词
Words for describing graphs and figures 描述图形的词
Words for describing change 描述变化的词
Words expressing similarity and difference 表达类似和不同的词
Words describing cause and effect 描述原因和后果的词
Signposting expressions for writing 写作的路标(连接词)表达
Words for problems and solutions 问题和解决办法的词
Words for talking about ideas 谈论想法的词
Emphasis and understatement 强调和低调陈述