Measures of economic performance
Economic growth
(MCQ) Economic Growth – Exercise 1
(MCQ) Inflation and Economic Growth – Exercise 1
Employment and unemployment
(MCQ) Unemployment – Exercise 1
Balance of Payments
Balance of Payment, Current Account – Exercise 1
Aggregate demand (AD)
The characteristics of AD
Consumption (C)
Investment (I)
Government expenditure (G)
Exports – Imports (X – M)
Aggregate supply (AS)
The characteristics of AS
Short-run AS (SRAS)
Long-run AS (LRAS)
National income
National Income Textbook
National income
Injections and withdrawals
Equilibrium level of real output
The multiplier
AD, AS, National income – Exercise 1
Economic growth
Causes of growth
Benefits and Costs of growth
Output gaps
Macroeconomic objectives and policies
Macroeconomic objectives
Possible conflicts between macroeconomic objectives
Macroeconomic supply-side policies
Macroeconomic demand-side policies